Saturday, June 14, 2008

Supporting children with learning disabilities

Having a child with learning disabilities can be not only frustrating, but also discouraging for parents. Last week I discussed symptoms of learning disabilities and how parents could identify if their child exhibited these signs. discusses ways to support your child, which include:

Recognize, accept and understand your child's learning disability.

Make sure that you understand the school's explanation of your child's learning differences. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get the information in layman's terms. Ask how that disability will affect your child at home and at school.

Find your child's strength.

It can be something very simple that you take for granted; for instance, your daughter is a good storyteller or a whiz at building things. Find and praise your child's talents: "You described that field trip so well!" Identify those talents and acknowledge them with specific praise.

Find ways to work with your child's disability.

If she speaks well but has difficulty writing, you and her teacher could explore alternative forms of assessment. Discuss with the teacher whether it would be possible for your child to do a project or presentation instead of an essay.

The National Center for Learning Disabilities offers a parenting guide for children with learning disabilities. Go to for your free guide. It is important for parents to provide love and understanding to their children no matter what their disability might be.

Michelle Aycock is a licensed psychotherapist with an office in Savannah. Her office number is 912-233-4294 or you can go to her Web site for information: Go to Michelle's blog at

Posted in
Michelle Aycock

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